Labour’s latest party political broadcast was shown this evening, 17th January, on ITV1 (6.25pm) and BBC1 (6.55pm) and focused on the NHS.

Doctors, nurses (including a local Labour Party member, Katie) and other NHS staff spoke movingly and with passion about their experiences and the strains the health service is currently facing – and their fears for its future under a Tory government.

The broadcast can be viewed on BBC iPlayer until 14th February.

Reductions in NHS services affect everyone in the country and here in South Essex we are facing large scale reorganisation of our hospitals, with proposals to provide some services at central ‘hubs’ rather than locally. Some GP practices could also be affected. The Labour Party will campaign against changes that are potentially detrimental to patients and their families. Full details of the proposals and how to respond to the ‘public consultation’ will be posted on this website when the final document for these proposals becomes available.

We encourage people to come along to the rally which the ‘Save Southend NHS’ campaign has organised for Saturday 27th January, meeting at Pier Hill at 12 noon. ‘Save Southend NHS’ is not a politically-affiliated group and it has members and supporters from across the spectrum. Southend Labour is proud to support it.

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