Southend Labour Welcome to the Southend Labour Group Website
100 Club – Joining
There are two ways to Join the Southend Labour 100 Club.
Method 1
Fill in the on-line Application Form below AND set up a monthly Standing Order from your bank for the number of monthly lottery entries you require (e.g. one entry per month = £2, two entries per month = £4 etc.)
To set up the monthly standing order from your bank to the Southend Labour 100 Club bank account you’ll need the following details. We would be grateful if you can ensure your payment is with us before the 25th day of the month to guarantee inclusion in the draw taking place at the start of the following month.
Please Pay: Unity Trust Bank, Birmingham, Sort Code: 60-83-01 Account No: 58254866
Please don’t forget to set up your monthly standing order with your bank if you’re joining via the online form.
Method 2.
If you are unable to use the online method or prefer to use a printed paper form, which includes a standing order instruction for your bank, then please download the form here, print and complete it then send it to us at the address indicated.
Thank you!
Full terms and conditions can be found here. For any enquiries please email
Southend Labour 100 Club Online Joining Form
Form for new members to join online and set up their own standing order. Bank details are required for prize payments.